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Interested in helping develop teachers or school leaders?
We are hiring contracted staff to coach and support residents, mentors, and graduates in our teacher and school leader residency programs.
School Leader Residency Contracted Staff
Our contracted staff for the RTR school leader program are experienced building principals who bring a wealth of knowledge and skill to the coaching and support of our school leader residents, mentors, and program graduates. This information sheet provides details about the program’s background and purpose. Individuals in this position may support aspiring school leaders during their residency year or program graduates in their first two years as school leaders. See below for details.
*Supporting School Leader Residents while they work full-time and participate in VCU’s Post-Master’s Certificate in Educational Leadership.
General responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun)
- Help facilitate in-person beginning of year program orientation, held before school starts in August. (~6 hours)
- Participate in monthly virtual VCU-RTR support team meetings, which includes completing any assigned pre-work. (~22 hours)
- Facilitate 2 virtual school leader mentor forums. (~4 hours)
- Attend 6 virtual New Teacher Center instructional leadership seminars. (~18 hours)
- Support application review and virtual interviews for prospective School Leader Residents. (~10 hours)
Per Resident-Mentor pair responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun)
- Review and provide feedback on 24 coaching and reflection journals. (~18 hours)
- Help facilitate Resident’s leadership activities; model and/or co-execute leadership experiences as needed. (~16 hours)
- Hold in-person monthly check-ins with each School Leader Resident and Mentor pair regarding program components as outlined in the gradual release calendar. (~13.5 hours)
- Set the stage for discussion about beginning, middle, and end of year evaluation and meetings regarding Resident progress on the standards and indicators outlined in Virginia’s Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Principals. (~6 hours)
- Provide other support as needed. (~10 hours)
*Supporting School Leader Graduates while they work full-time.
General responsibilities throughout the school year (i.e., Aug-Jun)
- Participate in monthly virtual VCU-RTR support team meetings, which includes completing any assigned pre-work. (~22 hours)
- Support virtual and/or in-person mock leadership interviews and end of year symposium. (~10 hours)
Per Graduate responsibilities throughout the school year (i.e., Aug-Jun)
- Hold in-person bi-weekly check-ins with the School Leader Graduate regarding their progress on professional goals. (between 39-59 hours)
- Provide other support as needed. (~10 hours)
Teacher Residency Contracted Staff
Our contracted staff for the RTR teacher residency program are experienced educators who bring an understanding of the multiple facets of teaching to the coaching and support of our teacher residents, mentors, and program graduates. In addition to holding a full teaching license, contracted staff must have evidence of prior coaching/mentoring and strong interpersonal and communication skills. Individuals in this position may support pre-service teachers during their residency year or program graduates in their first two years as teachers of record. See below for details.
*Supporting Teacher Residents and Mentors as Residents work alongside the Mentor three or four days per week and are full-time students with VCU’s School of Education
Graduate-Level Residency Coordination
General responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~50 hours)
- Attend orientation. (3 hours)
- Participate in New Teacher Center Foundational Learning Institute. (14 hours)
- Attend Mentor PLCs. (18 hours)
- Participate in monthly check-ins with RTR Residency Coordinator team. (15 hours)
Per Resident-Mentor pair responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~53 hours)
- Review and provide feedback on bi-weekly residency tasks. (19 hours)
- Conduct Mentor monthly check-ins. (9 hours)
- Conduct Resident monthly check-ins. (9 hours)
- Facilitate Resident evaluation meetings. (6 hours)
- Provide additional support as needed. (10 hours)
Undergraduate-Level Residency Coordination
General responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~50 hours)
- Attend orientation. (3 hours)
- Participate in New Teacher Center Foundational Learning Institute. (14 hours)
- Attend Mentor PLCs. (18 hours)
- Participate in monthly check-ins with RTR Residency Coordinator team. (15 hours)
Per Resident-Mentor pair responsibilities throughout the residency year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~16 hours)
- Review and provide feedback on monthly residency tasks. (9 hours)
- Conduct Mentor/Resident monthly check-ins. (6.75 hours)
*Supporting Teacher Residency Graduates while they work full-time.
General responsibilities throughout the school year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~33 hours)
- Attend orientation (3 hours)
- Participate in New Teacher Center Foundational Learning Institute. (14 hours)
- Participate in monthly New Teacher Coach PLCs. (18 hours)
Per Graduate responsibilities throughout the school year (i.e., Aug-Jun) (~30-50 hours)
- Complete weekly (graduates in year 1 of teaching) or bi-weekly (graduates in year 2 of teaching) coaching duties. (between 20-40 hours)
- Provide additional support as needed. (10 hours)